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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oh, hello there.

With the launch of the new website, it seemed fitting to also launch the new blog. Here we'll keep you up to date on the latest photo shoots and whatever else we feel like posting, cause it's our blog for Heaven's sake. Any Questions? No? Here are a few questions you might ask and the way we might answer them. Might.

Why the name O'Brien Photographers? 
Erin-Would you believe me if I told you ALL the other cool names were taken? I decided to go with O'Brien Photographers because, whether I'm the only photographer or not, I've got a team of O'Brien's behind the scenes making it all run smoothly. I have an art mind, it doesn't operate in black and white, unless of course it's black white photography. Lame joke, but seriously...
Mary-Because we're sisters and our blood is the same. (direct quote)
Mom-Because I'm going to wind up doing most of the hard, boring work.

What's you favorite style of photography?
Erin- I like when a photograph makes you uncomfortable and you don't know why. I like when you can look at a photograph and almost hear the laughter coming out of a smile.  I like to push the limits I've set for myself. It's all about creating visually stimulating photographs. I don't know if I can say that I have a particular style of photography, but I'm working on it.
Mary-I like awkward poses, because I am also awkward and it feels great to capture that on film. Now take me to get Chinese.
Would Grover Alan Cleveland change your mind?
He's on the five dollar bill.
Mom-Whatever my girls do, I like nature/landscape photography.

What inspires you?
Erin-I'm a chronic dreamer, I'm inspired by everything. I love dirt, earth, rust, yellow dogs, chipped paint, freckles, crooked smiles, and harsh contrasts. I constantly have a string of 20 different ideas I want to try out.
Mary-Films, we watch a lot of movies. Everything you see can be broken down and viewed through a picture, it's all about how you arrange things within the space the creates a great photograph.
Mom-My girls! Historic buildings and sites, anything that tells it's own story.

What got you into photography?
Erin-I never really noticed or even cared about photography until someone forcefully handed me a camera (thanks mom). I got my camera for Christmas in 2009 and within 3 months our love was in full bloom. It has been just over a year since then and I would now consider it an full blown addiction. I have learned everything I know about photography by screwing it up a million different times. I hope to look back on all of my pictures and cringe because I have improved so much. I'm an artist, photography is just another medium to help me create, I just wish it would have found me sooner!(Cheesy, I know)
Mary-Crayons. Feelings. Mom. Grocery markets.

What are you? Other than a photographer?
Erin-I'm a student at UNK and a starving artist(not starving, barely an artist).
Mary-Philosopher and a TV connoisseur.
Seriously, Mary is a high schooler and a phenomenal artist.

Last one, when will you have a Facebook page?
Erin-In due time, I believe in the natural order of things. Any schmuck with a camera can create a Facebook page and pretend to be a photographer. This is my dream and I want to do things right, that means getting copyrights in place, furthering my skills and establishing my business. I get asked this question every other day, you'd think I'd have a sweet answer worked up but I don't, I'm just not ready to give my life over to social networking. But that doesn't mean I don't love seeing my pictures in your albums, so post away!
Mary-Well, don't hold your breath.

Love, Erin

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