Dear Photograph,
This picture is very funny, if only you could see Patrick O'Brien now. Thank the good Lord that stache is gone! And the wallpaper...woof.
Dear Photograph,
Mama O'Brien knew how to throw one heck of a birthday party. Birthdays are a huge deal in the O'Brien house. I guess I didn't realize how great she makes our birthdays until I met people who said it's just another day.
Dear Photograph,
Does this strike you as weird? No? Me neither. Shea and I are still piling up bodies to this day. Dear Photograph,
This is still a signature photo spot in our house. We love Uncle Scrooby's chair, however now only one of us can fit in it at a time.
Dear Photograph,
If only you could see the super sweet, newly painted barn you are covering up. Some of the greatest days of my life were spent brushing out my horses tails, cuddling with newborn kittens and goofing around inside those walls. Still smells the same, if you were wondering.
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